About Me

Finding the light and
walking in it…

Hi, I’m Katie!

This is a tiny glimpse of my life and I know all too well how fleeting life is.

A little less than ten years ago I picked my camera back up in the aftermath of postpartum depression to try to force myself to find the light. I knew these tender baby years would fly by and I needed to remember the things I knew I couldn’t adequately appreciate at the time.

I have loved art for as long as I can remember and my path in photography started in high school.

Fast forward through art college, a job planning and styling fashion shoots, marrying my best friend and starting our little family, you’ll find me here working with wonderful clients who feel the same way I do about these fleeting good old days.

I love the Lord and the story He is writing in my life. I hope you’ll let me show you the beauty in the every day of the story He is writing in yours!